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South Shore Training Center is a facility that provides any individual or small business the ability to utilize an office space in a great location, at a reasonable cost.

Located in Marshfield, MA, we are convenient for anyone living in or around the South Shore.

We also offer cubicle work stations for permanent or temporary office use. There are 7 work stations located on the first floor for rent individually. Perfect for anyone who works for themselves or simply cannot make a far commute. Also, be sure to check out the private offices as well.

One specific training class we will be offering is for OSHA 10/30 general industry certification. This is an important asset for any individual, contractor, mechanic, or company etc. to protect himself/herself, family members as well as others around them

We’re here to help your business succeed!

Contact Us

There are three options for space on the second floor in our facility

Classroom style space, work stations and a conference room. We are able to accommodate for any specific need from one individual to an entire business.

  • All spaces include state of the art technology included for use when renting
  • Our classroom is perfect for larger group training, including sound barriers making it easier for students/employees to concentrate
  • All spaces equipped and set to personal needs whenever any individual or business rents our space